1. Enter BigONE official website ( https://www.bigone.com ), log in to your account, and click 「Market」
2. Search for the cryptocurrency you want to trade in the search bar;
3. The market page display:
1) 24-hour data of the selected trading pair
(2) Recommended assets
(3) K-line, in-depth chart display
(4) Sell orderbook
(5) Buy orderbook
(6) Switching spot/leverage/contract
(7) Switch to buy/sell
(8) Order type: limit/market/stop-limit/market trigger
(9) Buy orders and sell orders
(10) Overview of all assets
(11) Transfer/deposit
(12) Information of the selected pair
(13) Latest deal/filled price
(14) Current order/past orders/asset details
4. In the order area on the far right, refer to the price in the buying and selling area, enter the BTC buying price and quantity, and click Buy to complete the purchase. (Same operation for selling BTC)
- The price in the order area defaults to the latest transaction price of the limit price;
- If you want to trade BTC as quickly as possible, you can choose 「market price」;
- If you want to set a pending order at a certain price to wait for the transaction, you can choose 「Limit Price」;
- The percentage bar below the quantity refers to the percentage of your existing USDT total assets to buy BTC.
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