1. After the assets are removed from the market, you can view the assets of the currency in your wallet account. If you cannot view them, please cancel the hidden zero assets of the wallet account, so that you can clearly see the assets of the currency you hold.
2. The "Small Assets Exchange ONE" function can no longer be used for the delisted currencies.
3. If you hold this currency in your BigONE account, please operate the transfer in time. BigONE will not be responsible for any problems caused by delayed operations, we seek your kind understanding.
4. BigONE will open the withdrawal service for the delisted currency for three months. After three months, the withdrawal service will no longer be supported. BigONE will no longer maintain the relevant public chain asset wallet and network, and BigONE will not be responsible for any losses arising therefrom.
5. For some ERC20 or BEP20 currency assets that have been delisted that do not need to maintain the network and wallet, if you need to withdraw after the withdrawal service is closed, you must manually submit a work order to explain the withdrawal request. ETH or BNB equivalent to 50 USDT is charged as a network transfer fee.
6. After the user submits the work order, if both parties reach an agreement, the customer service will take the initiative to contact you and inform you of the specific follow-up operations.
7. BigONE reserves the right of final interpretation of the above description.
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