Dear BigONE Users,
We have distributed the 14-day ‘Co-Building the Mixin Node’ rewards that from March 1st to March 14th, 2019, please check them in your Account page.
1. The reward for each node : 115.06849309 XIN (14 Days);
2. The cost of each node: 4 XIN (14 Days);
3. The net profit of each node: 111.06849309 XIN (14 Days);
4. According to the 90% node net profit distribution rule, the rewards per XIN is 0.00999616 XIN (14 Days);
5. There are 5 nodes that get the rewards at this time:
KOL-1 (星火), KOL-2 (因为相 XIN,所以看见), KOL-3, KOL-5, and the B1 Partners node X-ONE.
1. Co-Building nodes KOL-4 and KOL-6 (歌者) failed to complete the joint construction before the Mixin main online line (February 27, 2019), so no reward was distributed.
2. The rewards from the ONE Holders’ Co-Building node will be distributed to the corresponding co-constructor’s account tomorrow.
Related link:Announcement on Co-Building the Mixin Node Ecosystem
Thanks for your continuous support and understanding.
BigONE team
March 17, 2019
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