Dear users,
To create a better community environment, BigONE launched telegram official user chat group.
1. Open Telegram,Type "userinfobot" in the search bar.
2. Then choose the contact as the picture shows.
3. Click Start
4. You will see your UserID as the "userinfobot" sent to you. (The Number ID)
5. BigONE 【Account】-【Assets】click【BigONE chat group】
6. Pleases type "User ID" in the search bar ,click "Bind new accunt"
Please close the browser’s pop-up blocking function, when you submit your ID information. Otherwise, you may not be able to jump to join the telegram chat group.
8. Open Telegram/Telegreat soft,you can join the BigONE chat group.
Thank you for your continuous support and understanding for BigONE.
BigONE Team
August 15, 2018
Related link: How to get Telegram userID
join our official chat group smoothly.
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