Dear users,
Prize number of the “ONE Lucky Draw” in the fifth phase is 5072.
Prize email: vi*****@****.com
According to the hash (at the block height of 6145783) of the first block that produced by the ETH network after 20:00:00 (UTC+8) on August 14, 2018.
Hash :0x6f8f54900d32d130ed821d2abf1de4c1fd28987ad6a79acaa5f00127c2ef4437
Convert to a decimal integer:
The screenshot of block height at 6145783.
Therefore, the prize number of the “ONE Lucky Draw” in the fifth phase is 5072.
For the lucky user, please pay attention to check your registered email and get the award information.
ONE Lucky Draw Activity will take 8 days, please pay attention to BigONE announcements and check your BigONE registered email in time.
How to verify the registered email?
Visit the website:
Enter your registered email (e.g. and click the “calculate” button.
View the calculation of MD5: 32 characters
Attached below is the draw number.
Thank you for your continuous support and trust for BigONE.
BigONE Team
Aug 14th, 2018
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