Endorsit is a full content ecosystem that belongs to the future, Endorsit Chain is a public chain that adapts to the full content field. The Endorsit application is a treasury that truly aggregates the influence of everyone in all aspects, enabling content producers, consumers, communicators and investors around the world to participate in and gain the corresponding return that is completely different from traditional Internet platforms.
Endorsit use a pure market consensus mechanism to ensure all good content stands out, maximizing the attention of all users in the ecosystem, a huge community base and funder’s strong resources in the Internet culture, pure original blockchain plus the content product mechanism create a content ecosystem that truly belongs to the post-Internet era.
EDS is Endorsit’s token, EDS represts Endorsit’s value, assets, rights, incentives, trust, production relations, etc… EDS solves the problems of value transfer, the inequality of value and income, the uniqueness of assets and the inability to be tampered with, the determination of rights, the incentive mechanism, the trust system, production relations and so on.
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