Dear users,
After we fully listen to the suggestions of community users, BigONE platform will resume the “Trade-Mining” section at 00:00 UTC+8 on July 5th, 2018. Contains the following five trading pairs:
Rules of “Trade-Mining” section are consistent with rules on June 28th, 2018 UTC+8.
- Users use API can receive the rebate.
- Invite new users to register and trade rewards 20% are still valid.
- There is no limit to every day “Trade-Mining” rebate of ONEs.
On July 6th, 2018 at 00:00 UTC+8, BigONE will rebate ONEs according to the ONE’s average price snapshot of previous day.
Note: Due to BigONE suspended “Trade-Mining”section between June 29th and July 4th, 2018 UTC+8, some users still have “open orders” that have not
been cancelled. In order to avoid unnecessary losses, we remind you to cancel the “OPEN ORDERS” by yourself. For users who fail to cancel the order in time, BigONE will help you to cancel the open orders before the “Trade-Mining” section resumed.
Thank you for your continuous support and trust for BigONE.
BigONE Team
July 4th, 2018
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